What Color Is the Road Ahead
May 22, 2023
What Color Is the Road Ahead
All the lights ahead
Reveal not the journey’s end
But the beginning
A chance to step on
Forward to unexpected
Tunnels that don’t end
They are places to
Hide from all of the moments
Savor the moments
Be in the moments
Slip it into your pocket
Zip and throw the key
The lights are good things
Good things must lead to others
Let go of good things
Not paradise
Expectations, why expect?
Good things are burdens
Sure, necessary
For our growth but not
For our acceptance
And still, we must have
All these memories
Except we need not
Look in the pocket
To find memories of good
Look inside ourselves!
Look inside your mind
We must look in our hearts, too
Look inside ourselves!
Search the road ahead
Cars racing past the moment
The road underneath
And understand, please
The light you see as the end
Not quite the ending
But the beginning
You see, the light at the end
Is not truly real
Good things will come
But we can’t just look ahead
And see bad or good
See black or see white
We must try to understand
That the road ahead
Is red and orange and yellow and green and blue and indigo and violet, it’s true
The road ahead is different depending on you