Research shows, “approximately one-third of homeless persons have a serious mental illness, mostly schizophrenia or bipolar disorder” (Mental Illness Policy Org). When one is in a homeless shelter, they deal with a variety of difficulties. For example, many homeless shelter residents suffer with anxiety, depression, and more. Handling mental health conditions as severe as the ones listed above may affect a person’s ability to care for themselves.
After discovering this information, my community project group brainstormed ideas for ways to help the community living under these circumstances. We came up with many ideas, including volunteering to cook for the homeless, donating bags of assorted candy to children in a homeless shelter, and organizing a clothing drive for the homeless shelter residents in Manhattan. To follow through with our plan, we partnered with The Bowery Mission, a shelter for the homeless that works miracles for those who suffer. Many phone calls later, my group and I arranged a list of the most needed items, sizes and more. With the help of social media, we posted to a group of local Pelham parents explaining our drive and the need for certain items.
In order to provide homeless shelter residents with supplies needed, we need many people to support our drive. So far, we have a few bags worth of clothing that has been donated and purchased from our Amazon wishlist. However, there is an endless amount of clothing items needed. We ask that all clothing items donated are either brand new or gently used (excluding undergarments and shoes). The items can be dropped off at the address above. As stated before, every single donation will be handed over to The Bowery Mission. These donations will aid the homeless in The Bowery Mission, and will also help the shelter themselves. My group and I appreciate all consideration.
Amazon Wishlist:
The Bowery Mission: