Pelham Middle School follows an acronym, P.R.I.D.E. P stands for Persistent, which is seen in the social, educational, and physical aspects of Pelham Middle School. As many know, middle school is seen as a massive shift where elementary-grade children turn into teenagers ready to take on the globe. Persistence in this journey is extremely influential. There have been many instances where students worry or shed tears because of academic pressure or because their social life is pulverized. This is especially conspicuous in 8th graders, where all students, especially honor class students, have especially heavy workloads. Their persistence is highlighted and should be continued to be displayed. Many of these efforts are not seen by adults or families, but only by close friends. Especially with social media, many adults assume these young adults are addicted to screens and are sluggish. In reality, social media is where many have their social lives and screen time is enjoyable since their community is online. Social media, especially for teenagers, builds much of the world for them.
Using such unpredictable technology requires Respect. After all, once something is on the web, there is no method to delete it. A simple mistake can turn a student’s life upside down. Overall Respect in school and online is also important to Pelham Middle School’s image. Each student takes responsibility for representing such a beautiful and diverse school. Off-school activity, especially online, is important and closely monitored by the school. Respectful behavior towards one another is stressed to prepare students for their future.
I stands for Intelligence and Independence. School is where Intelligence is taught and communicated, and Pelham Middle School students are lucky enough to have access to all the tools they need to learn the power of Intelligence. These tools are also teaching students Independence. As students age, they become more and more independent. Pelham Middle School paces with each student and teaches children to manage their time and learn to build their lives with their own choices.
D represents the Determination of Pelham Middle School students. The Determination of Pelham Middle School students to navigate their future and what they choose to be. Determination is very important to PMS because it makes the ultimate choice of showing up to class, willing to learn. When a student is burnt out, other students share their Determination to refuel their peers until the end.
Lastly, E stands for Excellence. Pelham Middle School catches and helps students who have lost their motivation to see Excellence in their work. PMS wants students to have self-drive and be willing to work so they can see their best work. Without other letters of the P.R.I.D.E. acronym, it’s hard to achieve one aspect. Together, Pelham P.R.I.D.E. continues to inspire students to hold themselves to the highest standards.