Pelham Pride is what makes our school unique. Pelham takes pride through its academics, kind atmosphere, and structure of learning. Each day students learn new things from their various classes, sports, and after school activities such as clubs. The shared feelings of pride between the middle and high school allows for students to settle into the school comfortably, and transfer with ease. With pride comes great responsibility. Pelham has high standards to maintain in order to meet their personal expectations along with the community’s expectations. When putting their children in the Pelham school systems, parents are immediately informed of the level of pride carried by the school, and it’s displayed throughout Pelham’s activities and facilities. A few ways pride can be viewed throughout the school is on posters, drives, merchandise regarding Pelham Pride, and murals. Pelham pride is tied into everything the students do. Sports teams proudly wear the colors yellow, blue, and white at each game, and students take part in creating artistic aspects regarding Pelham pride. Not only is pride displayed materialistically, but Pelham takes pride in the kindness and attitudes held by its students. Students are open to new things and take time to be kind to one another. Beyond being kind to each other, students are constantly giving back to the community. Overall, Pelham Pride can be viewed in many aspects regarding student life and school activities, and it is clear that pride is essential for smooth running of our school.
Analyzing Pelham Pride From Different Angles
Arielle Moyal, Contributor, 8th grade
April 16, 2024
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