The community project experience at our middle school is extremely important. This is because of the important skills it teaches students, and because of the things you learn along the way.
For example, having deadlines and tasks that must be completed by the week’s end teach students the skill of time management. This is an important skill that even adults use in their careers. The skill of management in general is practiced a lot in the community project, as well. Students have to organize their group members and their tasks, and find times when everyone is free to meet up. All of these things teach students how to manage themselves, which will come in handy in their future job.
Another important thing that the community project teaches the students is their topic, and the impact it has on their community. For example, let’s say a student chooses hunger as their topic. They may have just chosen it just to have a topic, but as they research it and start theri project, they get to learn multiple facts about their topic, and soon become experts on it. Once they start their actual project, and start doing community service, they get to see firsthand the impact of hunger on people all around their community. After that experience, the student will not only be an expert on their topic, but they will also care more about it.
In conclusion, the community service project of Pelham Middle School is a great experience that teaches essential life skills to the students that complete it. Above all else, the community project gets the student to give back to their community, and motivates them to better their community and make it a great place for everyone to live in.