PELHAM MIDDLE SCHOOL– The 8th graders of Pelham Middle School are working on raising awareness to a topic of their choosing. Students are picking topics such as education, animal shelters, homelessness, cancer, special education and poverty. Students are participating in an action plan based on their topic. One group consisting of Brooklyn Jerabek, Natalie Glover, Thomas Alves, Luke Waltch, Henry Meehan, and Niraj Schwaderer, have a very strong action plan focused on the issue of poverty.
STEP 1: RESEARCH – The first step of action was researching about the topic – poverty. Three research questions were established while developing a research paper. What is poverty and what factors lead to poverty? What are food pantries and clothing distribution centers? How can individuals assist distribution centers that assist those in poverty? Research was conducted on these questions and the students created a final paper on this topic.
VOLUNTEERING – This group’s action plan consists of volunteering at two facilities, Feeding Westchester and The Sharing Shelf. They plan to go at least 2-3 times to each distribution center. Feeding Westchester is focused on distributing food to people in need. The group will pack bags filled with nutritious foods. The Sharing Shelf is focused on clothing. The group can donate new or lightly used clothing. Volunteers create kits for children of different ages and organize the clothing coming into the facility. By working with these two facilities, the group can help tackle two of the main struggles those in poverty face – the lack of food and clothing.
FOOD DRIVE AT MANOR MARKET– The next part of the community action plan will take place at Manor Market in Pelham. The group is going to make and distribute flyers about a food drive at the market. The group will list the food items Feeding Westchester is collecting. The plan is to set up a table outside the market and ask store customers if they are willing to buy some of the food items needed. Once collected, the food will be dropped off at Feeding Westchester, so they can distribute it, making a positive impact. By setting up outside this popular market, the group is involving the entire community as they fight against poverty.