A Brief History of Easter Candies


Ava Grace Paolucci, Staff Reporter

As Easter approaches, candy fills the shelves of candy stores, supermarkets, and Targets.  Have you ever wondered why these candies are so popular?

There are many theories on the creation of jelly beans, but the most popular discusses William Schrafft.  William was a candy maker in Boston who was believed to have urged citizens to send jelly beans to soldiers in the Civil War.  Before the 1930s, jelly beans where sold in candy stores as a “penny candy”. Soon after, they started becoming an Easter tradition because of their egg like shape.

Peeps where created in the 1940’s for loyal costumers to the Rodda family.  The Rodda family owned a candy store in Pennsylvania.  The peeps where first used as a decoration for its costumers but no one is entirely sure when people started eating the marshmallow treats.  They where an Easter tradition from the start because they are shaped like baby chicks.

Chocolate bunnies are huge during Easter.  This tradition started during the 19th century in Germany.  The bunnies were hidden for children to find during the Easter season.  Whitman’s (a candy company) tried to continue the tradition in the mid 1800s, but people didn’t love the idea.  In the 20th century companies started getting chocolate molds and created the bunnies for children and adults.  The bunnies finally started flying off the shelves and now around 60 million chocolate bunnies are sold each year.

These delicious treats make Easter the second biggest candy consuming holiday (the first being Halloween).  These seasonal sweets wont be around for long, so jump on the opportunity to stalk up on favorites.  Easter, one of the most major holidays in America, is filled with tradition and history.


Works Cited:





A History of Chocolate Bunnies
