Hello, incoming 6th graders and 7th graders!


Ryan Feldman, Contributor, 8th grade

Hello, incoming 6th graders and 7th graders! This article will be explaining workload, behavioral tips, study habits, and things to value. 


A few things that you should know about the workload are that in every way you must be sure to disperse your workload. Although your teachers may tell you this a lot, coming from another student who is in 8th grade and has done a lot of this, do not do the assignment right before the due date. In every way, it will not work. There have been many times that this has happened to me and my fellow students and it has never turned out well.


Here are some suggestions about behavior in class. Don’t go off-topic or talk to your friends about some random thing. Don’t go off-topic in the middle of class because I know many people that have done that and they missed so much. At lunch on rainy days, it may seem like a great time to just hang out with your friends and play games. It is always a good decision to see if you have any homework and do it then. Multiple times I’ve not done work and talked and done random things during rainy days. It’s not helpful to get your schoolwork done.

Study habits

A few very useful study habits that I have used are if you don’t think you’re working well enough in a part of the room then just move or ask if you can move. When the teacher says this, it’s a lot more embarrassing and harder to move after you’ve been told to. If you’re proactive about it and just do it yourself it’s a lot easier. Another study habit I’ve used is if you don’t have a study hall on any particular day and you know you have a lot of homework, use your lunch period to help you with that.

Things to value

I had a hard time making friends in 6th grade, it was 2020 and the peak of covid. I had to stay home for half a week or stay home the whole week and just generally not spend time with people. Now that you have low covid rates, you should take this time to talk to people and make friends. If you wait to spend time on this in 7th grade and then you’re going to have to do social gain and academic gain at the same time. In 7th and 8th grade work becomes a much bigger role in your academic life. Work in 6th grade is still more important, but it is more intense in 7th and 8th grade. 

If you’re a 7th grade student then you’re going to want to take into account that you have a lunch period in the middle of the day. Having lunch in the middle of the day does not throw off the amount of work you get done in the morning and the afternoon. Take advantage of it because it’s very useful.

Fun and how to get things to happen 

One of the best times to have fun during the school year is to take advantage of field trips. When the current 8th graders were in 7th grade, we only had three field trips, two of which were within the town of Pelham. That is one of the most useful ways to have fun and just not have to worry about work for a day in the week. 

If you want something to happen then you need to be proactive about it. If you want a club to be added, talk to your guidance counselor or talk to the principal. If you want to see more of a certain lunch food to be made then talk to someone about that. If you don’t talk to anyone nothing’s going to ever happen so you just have to say something.