

Lila Carpenter, Contributor, 8th grade


When the fall turns around

And the temperatures plummet,

You know it’s time for

The start of winter summit!

Leaves fall off the trees,

People bundle up in scarves.

Waiting for Santa’s sleigh

Sends excitement in waves!

But not everyone celebrates

Christmas; lend an ear!

Some light eight candles,

Lighting the dark, very clear.

No matter who you are

Or what you celebrate,

Winter’s a time

For you to decorate!

With trees or lights,

Candes or food,

Or whatever you can

That makes you feel good!

No matter what happens

With decor, holiday, or tradition,

It will always be the time

Where the snow will glisten.

Even without snow,

We know what this is about;

Where family comes together

Showing no pout.

It’s time for love,

To show appreciation,

You give family gifts

From your own creation.

Whether it’s a card or love,

Gifts store-bought or crafted,

Or just being a good person

To make others uplifted!

If you’re reading this poem

And you have family so dear,

Remember to love them,

As they won’t always appear.